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Hi, my name is Igor Ledochowski and what I am about to tell you…
…will change your fundamental understanding of the human mind and might even make you question everything you thought you knew about hypnosis.
But don’t worry, because by the end of this page, you’ll also find out how to use the information revealed here to:
Because I’m going to show you…
You don’t need any hypnosis experience.
You don’t have to know anything about symbolism or storytelling.
You won’t get stuck or overwhelmed by concepts going over your head.
Far from it.
In fact, all you need is the desire to help others become happier, healthier, more inspired versions of themselves.
Whether you want to help people diminish pain, break bad habits, overcome trauma, or simply replace old thought patterns with new, upgraded ideas and beliefs, it’s simple.
And I’ll tell you how you can do it all in just a second.
First I want to tell you about the first female cryptanalyst, Elizebeth Friedman.
During World War I, Elizebeth was invited to join a special operation that was set up to help the U.S. Government carry out code breaking operations and gather much needed intel.
See, Elizabeth had an extraordinary knack for finding patterns and cracking encryptions.
She was a cool-headed codebreaker who could solve puzzles that left others beating their heads against the wall.
She looked at a cipher and saw clues no one else could see.
She cracked mind-bending codes no one else could tackle.
She was called in to fix messes NO ONE else could fix.
And that was just at the beginning of her career.
After the war was over, Elizebeth was hired as a cryptanalyst for the U.S. Navy.
This is when things got REALLY interesting.
Because right around this time, international smugglers started using encrypted radio messages to safely sneak illegal goods into the U.S.
But once the Navy got Elizebeth on the operation, she solved the BULK of the intercepts by herself…
Breaking the cryptic codes used by high-profile mob-run smuggling rings (including the likes of Al Capone).
Now get this:
Elizebeth’s work resulted in 650 criminal prosecutions, and she testified as an expert witness in 33 cases against narcotics smugglers.
At one point, she even managed to solve a complicated never-before-seen Chinese enciphered code… without knowing a shred of Chinese!
Eventually she helped bring down international drug rings and smugglers. All thanks to her ability to look BEHIND the obvious and see the real meaning hidden within the code.
So what’s this have to do with hypnosis?
Well, using the same principles behind Elizebeth’s success…
I’ll explain how in a moment too.
Right after I tell you about a student of mine who came to me with a problem a few months back. Let’s call him R.
R was suffering from idiopathic craniofacial erythema (severe blushing).
Whenever he got up to speak in front of his colleagues, in a matter of seconds he’d turn red as a chili pepper.
When he met someone new at a party, as soon as he was asked a question and the attention was on HIM, he would feel his face burning up.
It got to the point where R’s blushing was holding him back from going after what he MOST wanted in life.
R started to avoid parties, he’d make up excuses not to give presentations at work that could’ve gotten him promoted, he even gave up on asking out a girl he was crazy about all because he was afraid he would turn bright red at the worst possible moment.
And you want to know what’s EVEN worse?
R didn’t know why it was happening!
He couldn’t pinpoint WHEN or WHY it started.
And yet there it was, getting in his way over and over again.
Truth is, as a hypnotist sooner or later you’ll also come across this very same situation.
You’ll have a client, friend, family member or colleague who has a problem.
And they WANT your help…
They just don’t know how to ask for it.
Could be because they’re ashamed or scared to talk about the issue.
Could be because they just don’t feel comfortable opening up to others.
Or maybe they don’t even know how to put what they’re feeling into words.
Either way, they bury the problem somewhere deep inside the corners of their unconscious mind, until it starts to spill over into other areas of their life and they can’t ignore it anymore.
This is exactly the kind of situation R was going through when he came to me for help.
And it was this very situation that led me to develop, what was to become, a simple and highly effective way to hack into someone’s inner “code” to quickly and easily resolve issues at the unconscious level.
A system that can turn YOU into a master “code breaker” like Elizebeth, solving tough, puzzling cases so you can help people like R dissolve crippling problems in minutes (which is exactly what I was able to do).
Let me explain...
Science tells us that the conscious mind can process roughly 120 bits of information per second.
This is the “speed limit” for the amount of information you can pay conscious attention to at any given moment.
And yet the human body sends 11 MILLION bits of information to the brain EVERY second.
So how does the brain deal with the extra 10,999,880 MILLION bits of data (give or take)?
Quite simply, most of the information gets packed up, compressed and stored in the unconscious mind. Like a coding system, your brain stores the majority of these experiences and perceptions as SYMBOLS.
These symbols then map out a “model” of reality that gets stored at the unconscious level.
And this model is what determines your actions, habits and behaviors — usually without your conscious awareness.
So what’s it all mean?
Well, if you want to help someone change at a DEEP, PROFOUND and LASTING level, then you must change the CODE (symbols) behind the problem or behavior.
Sounds complicated?
It’s not.
Not once I show you know what to do and how to do it.
Because once you know how to communicate to someone’s unconscious mind using symbolic language, you’ll gain DIRECT ACCESS to their inner model of the world and the symbols they use to express and understand reality.
Change these symbols, and you’ll transform their life.
All you need are the easy-to-learn hypnotic symbolic language techniques and somebody (me) to show you how to use them.
And now, I want YOU to have access to this incredible system because the results are profound, and frankly every hypnotist should have this in their toolkit.
That’s why I’m making this system available here, and it’s called:
And with it, you’ll be able to:
To test out the impact this training could have, I held an exclusive live training event and the results were astounding (further down you can hear from the attendees).
After the live training, I realized every hypnotist who wants to be a force for good in the world to help others make lasting transformations should have access to the incredible techniques and secrets revealed in this training
That’s why I am now delivering the entire Hypnotic Symbolic Language training to you in a modular training system… which you can watch (and re-watch as many times as you want, on any device) at your convenience.
And to make it easy, simple and fun to master, this powerful training is…
You will never get off-track.
You will never get overwhelmed.
You will maintain a sense of progress throughout the training.
And you will learn at a pace that makes it easy to absorb, memorize and internalize new information.
In fact, here’s an overview of what you’ll cover in the 12 modules making up more than 22 hours and 22 minutes of in-depth training:
Why symbols are astonishingly powerful and the fascinating link between ancient mythology and symbols
How to extract meaningful metaphors in any conversation (and the simple way to know if you’ve got the right one!)
Discover the ‘Forrest Gump Game” to find surprising new metaphors and connections for your own life
How to “contaminate” someone’s ideas… and create even BETTER ideas that will improve their life
The real reason “Star Wars” became a cultural phenomenon (hint: it all comes down to mythology and symbols!)
Joseph Campbell’s famous “Hero’s Journey” and how knowing this will allow YOU to help people navigate their own problems and journeys
The difference between a social context and a hypnotic context — both are extremely important if you know how to navigate each one!
Why you must put someone’s social identity on PAUSE so other abilities can emerge (if you can do this, transformation can happen in an instant!)
How to help someone remove their social “persona” so they can explore new mental states and abilities
Why using surprise or wonder is the most efficient way to break a social contract (and the one approach you DON’T want to use)
Demonstrations showing you how to explore and navigate hypnotic contexts with ease and apply the exercises covered in this module
Discover the Symbolic Ritual to seamlessly move others into a hypnotic state of mind
Demonstration: Low, Slow & Flow - How to ask questions and adjust your tone so you naturally move someone from a social context into a hypnotic context
Why conversational hypnosis is essentially a hypnotic context… disguised as a social context
Why the unconscious mind is pure potential (and YOU will have the power to bring out anyone’s potential!)
Practice using a social voice and a hypnotic voice… and watch what happens!
How to speak to someone so your words go STRAIGHT to their limbic system and calm then wa-a-a-y down
Demonstration: How To Use a Hypnotic Summary to quickly move someone into a deeper and more personal interaction
The EXACT step-by-step process to move someone into a hypnotic context
Demonstration: Priming Question, Symbolic Summary, Symbolic Focus & Symbolic Question
Use THESE symbolic questions to guide your subject towards discovering meaningful metaphors
Demonstration: How to “Open Up” a Metaphor
The must-know difference between an abstract and a concrete metaphor
Demonstration: Using Double Metaphors to Contain Abstraction (you’ll start to move into symbolic territory now!)
The SECRET to language (hint: ALL language is metaphorical!)
How to extract someone’s CORE symbol in the span of ONE conversation
Student Demonstrations showing you exactly how to use the exercises and techniques presented in this module
How to use unconscious frames to guide someone into a more hypnotic mindset
Use THIS language to encourage someone to automatically search for metaphors within their mind
Why you should STICK with the ritual frame to keep yourself going in a meaningful direction
The difference between a metaphor and a story (hint: all stories are metaphors… but not all metaphors are stories!)
How to extract the most concrete symbol possible so it’s easier to uncover its meaning and significance
Demonstration: Working with Symbolic Deepeners — you’ll see exactly how to go from an abstract symbol to a concrete symbol
The simple “Wheelbarrow Test” to quickly figure out if the symbol is concrete enough
Demonstration: Adding More Deepening Questions
Experience the mind-blowing results of asking THIS priming question… in a strong hypnotic context
Start developing your symbolic language toolkit in this module - and putting it in practice!
Discover how to stimulate an unconscious response and light up your subject’s emotional circuits
5 styles of deepening questions you can use to reliably get a concrete symbol each and every time
Demonstration: Practical Application For a Small Problem PLUS an exercise debrief
You’ll already start to see how you can use symbolic language for positive change in the real world!
Watch 5 student demonstrations putting all the exciting new tools and techniques into action
How to work with your subject’s metaphors without getting overwhelmed
The “Three Rituals” to effortlessly uncovering meaningful symbols
Why you shouldn’t worry about writing down your subject’s symbols and metaphors & do THIS instead!
The difference between therapeutic integration and educational integration (and when to use each one)
The simple method to store MORE in your memory… Longer!
Why you MUST make the symbols and metaphors important to the subject
How to use a hypnotic summary to ensure the lesson your subject gets the RIGHT message
Start to combine all the elements you’ve covered so far into an easy and repeatable process
The “metaphor-deepened” alternation technique. You’ll be amazed where this takes you!
How to know exactly how much to develop your subject’s metaphor so you have it in the optimal place for therapeutic work down the line
How to use “Symbolic Fractionation” to get MUCH deeper into the meaning behind your subject’s metaphor
Discover the exact language and questions to use so all of the hypnotic elements work together seamlessly
Using “Testing Ritual” to figure out if your work is complete… or if you need to take a few steps back
How to make sure the new insights ABSORB and SETTLE into your subject’s unconscious
Three Student Demonstrations applying each technique covered in this module
The fundamentals of symbolic language — you’ll get rock solid foundations in place after this module!
Go back to basics… and you’ll see just how simple and easy using symbolic language really is!
Review what you’ve covered up until now so it’s easy, fun and effortless to use out in the real world
Two tools you can use to navigate “Metaphoria” (this is the special trance created by hypnotic symbolism!)
How the metaphor and deepening questions ALONE are already setting you up to do change work
When to perform each ritual so it has the maximum impact on your subject conscious and unconscious mind
Why therapeutic change is PURPOSE in action (you’ll have the tools to inspire someone with purpose AND action!)
Applying symbolic language for targeted change work
Why the process of change is not complete… until it becomes unconscious
What successful therapeutic change really comes down to, and HOW to get there using hypnotic symbolic language
The must-know link between purpose and motivation
How to guarantee your suggestions are accepted (they will harmonize with your subject’s purpose in such a way that they’re instantly motivated to action!)
Demonstration: Targeting Specific Change with hypnotic symbolic language
The real reason your hypnotic suggestions get rejected
Demonstration: Problem Solving Symbolically (even with big, difficult problems!)
Three student demonstrations where you’ll see how to apply the skills you’ve learned so far
Solve problems without even knowing what they are using symbols — this can turn into your hypnosis superpower!
Listen in on a Q&A session, plus watch a student demonstration “More Haste, Less Speed (how to hurry up… slowly!)”
Discover the exact language patterns you can use to help yourself, your family, friends, hypnosis subjects achieve their goals and fix any issue
How to discover the higher purpose of a problem… knowing this will make it MUCH easier to figure out a way towards healing
Demonstration: Straight Line Integration. See the power of the unconscious mind at work!
How to use integration to help new ideas and creative solutions emerge from positive symbols
Troubleshoot integration styles so you know when, how and why you use each one
The difference between working with “problem” symbols and “positive” symbols
The TWO things that can go wrong when you’re using an integration
How to resolve inner conflict by integrating two opposing hypnotic symbols… so simple, yet incredibly effective
The difference between a mature symbol and immature symbol, and how to make sure you’re working with the right kind
How to handle your subject’s refusal to integrate their symbols
The step-by-step process you can use to resolve dilemmas and find solutions through symbols… This is FAST and EASY!
Use THIS technique to help your subject find creative ways to solve their problems… new solutions will bubble up out of nowhere!
Student demonstrations so you can watch how all the incredible techniques can be used out in the real world
By the end of this module you will have the foundational component of the entire symbolic system… and you’re only half way through!
Follow THIS fail-proof sequence to create a powerful regression experience in your subject
Why symbolic language can be used to resolve virtually ANY issue or problem
How to know when you’re ready to work with trauma subjects (and what to do if you’re not quite there yet)
From breaking diets to mending relationships… discover HOW to work with different kinds of conflicts
Discover how to release your subject’s natural creative genius. It was there all along... and YOU will know how to bring it forward
Demonstration: Symbolic Days of Wonder Regression… see how to release PURE joy in others!
How to handle a FAILED regression like a true pro and turn things around
The connection between childhood…and all your negative emotions
Why emotion is the doorway to memories (and successful regressions!)
Make your subject doubt the existence of their problem… in just TWO minutes!
Student demonstrations showing you how to apply the fascinating techniques covered in this module to create a powerful regression
The “Days of Wonder” Protocol for working with memories, feelings and symbols
How to generate the emotions you’ll need to create hypnotic experiences!
The easy 3-step process to capture a feeling (you’ll be amazed what you can do with this!)
How to use “Hypnotic Triggers” to intensify and boost positive emotions
Why children tend to have stronger emotions than adults
Demonstration: How to Capture & Intensity Emotions
Transform a positive, happy emotion into a light switch that you can turn ON whenever you want
How to locate where the emotion lives within the body… and what it tells you about the emotion
Discover how to enhance emotions even more by adding action to the metaphor
Increase your versatility and find out how to “mix and match” different hypnosis techniques
How you’ll know EXACTLY when a symbol is grounded and absorbing enough for your subject
What to do if you suddenly realize your symbol is not deep enough yet (it’s an easy fix!)
Watch the student demonstrations to see how to capture and intensify emotions step-by-step
Create instantaneous and far reaching outcomes… in a matter of MINUTES!
How to guarantee you extract a solid metaphor from your subject (plus, what to do if you’re struggling to get one!)
How to create a stronger hypnotic context in your conversations so meaningful metaphors effortlessly BUBBLE UP in your subject’s mind
Using the Covert Frame as a “fast track” to powerful metaphors
Why people default to metaphors when they feel misunderstood (& how to use this to your advantage)
Discover the 5 questions you can use to request metaphors from someone… both directly… and completely covertly!
Ask THIS question to create an “insight feedback loop”… after a few rounds your subject will feel like they’ve opened the doorway to incredible new insights
Demonstration: Symbolic Boundaries and Space. You won’t want to miss this fascinating demo!
How to enrich your subject’s experience of their metaphor and place them vividly into the scene
Open up a treasure trove of new possibilities and exciting ways to explore metaphors with the “Space Suit”
How to explore your subject’s “metaphorical landscape” — this is powerful stuff!
Why using symbols bypasses the limitations the conscious mind has placed on itself
Demonstration: Beyond The Boundary Is The Solution. Watch how to find the boundary of a problem, so you can get to the resolution!
How to BYPASS the conscious mind and find a solution to an issue or problem inside your subject’s symbolic landscape
Gain ultimate control of time in the metaphorical landscape!
Demonstration: Expand or contract time with Symbolic Time Distortion!
How to make happy moments last longer and breeze through the unpleasant parts of life in the blink of an eye
Ask these “Time Questions” when you want to speed time up… or SLOW it way down
How to make sure your subject never feels rushed (even though YOU have total control over the pacing of your session)
How to give the unconscious mind an opportunity to RELEASE itself from the limitations of time within the memory
Demonstration: Moving from Inability to Ability. You’ll see an incredible rapid transformation!
Using symbols on an abstract problem or issue to open up new possibilities (even when you don’t think any are available!)
How to create “mind bending” experiences for others and leave them speechless
How to break down someone’s belief in their own inability and replace it with confidence and self-belief
Step-by-step breakdown of how to use the Inability Suit Questions to make someone doubt their problem!
How to help someone who feels stuck or trapped in a situation. (Your subject will feel as if new opportunities and doorways have magically opened up in front of them!)
How to create “mind shifts” in others using specific mind-bending language patterns
See all the techniques, language and suits in action with in-depth student demonstrations
How to empower your subject to convey a lifetime of experiences… using ONE symbol! (This is the FAST TRACK into their mind)
Demonstration: Spontaneous symbolic integration
How to work through a complicated problem using symbols so your subject can dissociate and see the issue from a new perspective
Discover how to help others access their unconscious mind through the “back door” using symbolic language
Bring out inner wisdom with symbolic projections and find out how to apply them in everyday life!
Demonstration: Dissolving a long-time haunting feeling
In-depth breakdown of how to use a symbolic regression with your subject to dissolve anxiety
Empower others to see who themselves FAR BEYOND what they believe is possible
How to select the right questions to ask your subject and guide them towards powerful breakthroughs
How to use the “safety-to-safety” loop in your regression to ensure your subject comes out of the experience with positive resources
Remove heavy burdens and dissolve emotional “weights” using the language and questions you’ll discover in this module
Work with personal symbols and inspire deep transformation (even if you don’t openly talk about the problem!)
Transform negative symbols into helpful, positive symbols — this is like reaching into your memory and removing the pain, hurt and sorrow!
The 7 foundational techniques of Conversational Hypnosis Professional Hypnotherapy
How to apply hypnotic symbolic language to conversational hypnosis techniques (this is truly a hypnotic power combo!)
How to use the Testing Ritual to uncover the learnings and takeaways your subject extracted from the experience
The TWO core hypnotic principles used when doing the Hypnotic Blitz
The Law of Attention… and what this means about the way your brain “wires” itself
Take the essence of the Hypnotic Blitz… and turn it into a potent SYMBOLIC Blitz!
The KEY to focusing someone’s attention where YOU want it
How to expand someone’s memory in a specific point in time and “open up” the memory even more
The purpose of doubt (hint: the right kind of doubt can dissolve realities!)
Why someone MUST have faith in the process for hypnosis to work (and how to help others develop trust and confidence in your skills)
How to use the Non Awareness Set to help someone befriend their unconscious mind so it starts to fix problems on its own!
Create the belief in others that their mind and body can HEAL itself!
The 4 steps of the PCAT formula and how symbols give you a “shortcut” past the critical mind
Listen to a powerful induction to close the training and allow all the incredible techniques, methods and learning seep DEEP into your unconscious mind
And that’s just scratching the surface.
I want to make it even easier for you to succeed and master Hypnotic Symbolic Language, which is why as an extra special BONUS, I will also send you…
Shipped directly to your doorstep, wherever you are once they are ready to send to you.
I want you to have this deck of cards, because it’s going to give you a potent tool you can use to master the symbolic language patterns, anytime, anywhere.
Here's a quick preview of the 55 power cards, which are split up into 11 suits...
5 Framing Cards
The first suit “Framing” - effortlessly guides your subject into a hypnotic mindset where change and transformation can take place
5 Deepening Cards
The second suit “Deepening” - makes experiences more intense, vivid and clear while activating the mind’s natural ability to uncover meaningful symbols
5 Metaphor Cards
The third suit “Metaphor” - helps your subject capture the essence of an idea through a concrete metaphor
5 Action Cards
The fourth suit “Action” - allows you to easily prepare the mind for positive action, insights and resolutions
5 Emotion Cards
The fifth suit “Emotion” - empowers your subject to untangle their emotions and identify where in the body emotion is stored (this is essential if you want to transform an emotion!)
5 Integration Cards
The sixth suit “Integration” - brings transformation to the conscious level so inner conflicts and problems start to dissolve
5 Space/Boundaries Cards
The seventh suit “Space/Boundaries” - lets you explore symbolic landscapes so you can find where the problem ends… and the solution begins!
5 (In-) Ability Cards
The eighth suit “(In-)Ability” - open up and discover exciting new possibilities for change and transformation
5 Regression Cards
The ninth suit “Regression” - explore memories from the past and uncover the source of issues and problems in the present
5 Time Cards
The tenth suit “Time” - allows you to create time distortions to speed up or slow down your subject’s experience
5 Projection Cards
The eleventh suit “Projection” - gives a voice to the unconscious mind and allows your subject to see themselves beyond their current limits. This is powerful stuff!
These cards are going to make it even faster and easier for you to master hypnotic symbolic language so that by the end of the training you’ll know how to…
Symbols are an incredibly powerful tool, and all I ask is that you use hypnotic symbolic language to generate positive change in others.
So if you’re ready to bring deeper meaning, satisfaction and joy into your life and the lives of others, then this ground-breaking new and exciting training is for you.
I want to make sure you can get your hands on it because I truly believe it will change your life.
That’s why I’m not going to charge the retail sticker of $1495 for this program (the typical price these kind of trainings go for in the market) - in fact I'm not even going to ask for half that amount.
Instead you can get instant access to the FULL 12 modules of the Hypnotic Symbolic Language Program totaling more than 22 hours and 22 minutes of in-depth training for $1495 just 4 simple monthly installments of only $147 (that's a 60%+ OFF Discount!)
Plus you'll also be getting the Hypnotic Symbolic Language Card Deck as an extra FREE BONUS worth at least $97.
However I want to make absolutely sure this is the right training for you…
That’s why I am giving you a FULL 60 Day “Test Drive” Guarantee Absolutely Risk Free.
Which means...
Of course, you are covered by our 60 day guarantee - so if at any time in the 60-days of going through the program you do not feel it is for you, simply let us know by email or phone and you will receive a full refund. No questions asked!
And check out what this live training attendee had to say about the program...
Jim Zboran
But I urge you to hurry.
The Hypnotic Symbolic Language Program will undoubtedly attract my very best students and lots of other name recognizable hypnosis trainers too!
Don’t get left behind by not knowing this valuable knowledge.
Get it now - this is the BEST step you can take to generate positive change in others with a PROFOUND understanding how the unconscious mind processes information.
Quite simply, it’s an investment in yourself and in your future.
And you’ll see the rewards in every area of your life.
Igor, I’m definitely taking advantage of this new and exciting training program! I want access to the hypnotic symbolic language training program where I’ll discover the step-by-step process to inspire deep, lasting change in others.
I understand that:
I get Instant access to all 12 exciting modules of the Hypnotic Symbolic Training program (that’s 22 hours and 22 minutes of in-depth training)
Plus I’ll also get FULL Transcripts of the videos as well. Every word of every video in each module will be available for me to read in the PDF that comes with the program.(Covering 608 pages so you can follow along at your own pace)
Extra Bonus: I also get the full live seminar notes (34 pages)
Special Bonus: I get the Hypnotic Symbolic Language Deck for FREE as well as worldwide FREE shipping. This card deck has 55 cards covering 11 suits so you can practice and master hypnotic language any time, anywhere. PLUS you’ll get a PDF version. ($97 Value)
My investment is
$1495 just 4 simple monthly installments of only $147 (That's a 60%+ OFF Discount)
And I will also receive a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee as well. If I’m not happy with this training, I can return it for a full refund. No questions asked!
On that basis, I’m clicking the “Add-To-Cart” button below now so I can take advantage of this special offer…
The Hypnosis Training Academy was originally founded in 2004 and is one of the world’s top authorities for ericksonian, conversational and covert hypnosis. Over the last 10 years, we’ve trained 3364 students at live seminars in 15 different countries around the world and published well over 100 different hypnosis trainings. |
P.S. In the video clips below you can watch personal comments from some of the people who attended the Live Training Program:
Chris Riddle
Hypnotist & Construction Coordinator
Chantelle Neufeld
Manitoba, Canada
Robert Marsi
Business Owner
Anna-Pia Hubacher
Sacramento, USA
Vince Anthony Pitre
Aubrie Jones
School Teacher
Sergio Mason
Hypnotist Coach
Canberra, Australia
Igor, I’m definitely taking advantage of this new and exciting training program! I want access to the hypnotic symbolic language training program where I’ll discover the step-by-step process to inspire deep, lasting change in others.
I understand that:
I get Instant access to all 12 exciting modules of the Hypnotic Symbolic Training program (that’s 22 hours and 22 minutes of in-depth training)
Plus I’ll also get FULL Transcripts of the videos as well. Every word of every video in each module will be available for me to read in the PDF that comes with the program.(Covering 608 pages so you can follow along at your own pace)
Extra Bonus: I also get the full live seminar notes (34 pages)
Special Bonus: I get the Hypnotic Symbolic Language Deck for FREE as well as worldwide FREE shipping. This card deck has 55 cards covering 11 suits so you can practice and master hypnotic language any time, anywhere. PLUS you’ll get a PDF version. ($97 Value)
My investment is
$1495 just 4 simple monthly installments of only $147 (That's a 60%+ OFF Discount)
And I will also receive a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee as well. If I’m not happy with this training, I can return it for a full refund. No questions asked!
On that basis, I’m clicking the “Add-To-Cart” button below now so I can take advantage of this special offer…
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