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Dear reader,
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Then read on...
Because on this page, you’re going to discover the most effective and powerful combination of influence techniques ever created.
But before we get into the details of how and why the system works, let’s get one thing straight:
Your ability to effectively communicate and positively influence others has a direct impact on the quality of your life and the lives of the people around you.
Every day, you come across DOZENS of chances to connect with others and ethically influence them to be more receptive to YOU and YOUR ideas.
Naturally, this means you can unlock exciting new opportunities or spark positive change in others, which translates into a better life for you and anyone you interact with.
But here's the really sad part...
MOST people go through life without ever realizing how much control and influence they have over the outcomes of their conversations and interactions.
Even though it’s simple once you have the right tools.
Because with the right framework and techniques, you’ll…
In fact, I recently revealed this exclusive framework for Hypnotic Influence in a live 3-day online training event.
After just the first day, participants watched their conversations start to turn hypnotic, their ideas were getting more readily accepted by friends, family (and in some cases even complete strangers) and their confidence soared.
And here’s the kicker…
At first many of the attendees doubted their ability to persuade or influence others in professional or personal settings.
Some even found it difficult and awkward to maintain a conversation, let alone create deep rapport and “I feel like I’ve known you all my life” connections.
Others were skeptical about the power of hypnotic influence and thought it was all too good to be true.
But after the first day, their belief about what was possible was SHATTERED!
Because in the end…
And now they can do the same for you.
In fact, after seeing the incredible impact hypnotic influence had on the attendees, I decided to make the entire program available to other inspired, motivated and deserving hypnotists like you, so you too can experience the life-changing benefits for yourself.
Keep reading to find out how you can get instant access to the COMPLETE Hypnotic Influence Training Program which allows you to:
Even if you’re a total newbie with zero experience in hypnosis, influence or any other persuasion techniques.
The reason I’m so confident it will make a transformational impact on your life, is because in order to develop this program, I combed through leading influence techniques, methods and strategies on the market from the most renowned professionals in their fields.
I distilled their methods to the foundational components… and then I added in the HYPNOTIC element to tie them all together.
In the end, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts.
Simply put, when you join the key elements of influence together in the RIGHT way, you get a system that is MUCH more valuable and powerful than when any individual approach is used on its own.
It’s the way they work in COMBINATION with each other that creates a NEW and HYPNOTIC form of influence.
Let me break it down for you.
My consistent and reliable formula for Hypnotic Influences combines:
Proven methods for sales and business success from the world's leading masterminds used to go from humble beginnings to multi-million dollar success stories.
You’ll master the art of ethical persuasion PLUS make yourself immune to tactics used on YOU in unfavorable ways.
Tried & tested negotiation techniques used by seasoned FBI agents for dealing with high-stress, high-risk and high-tension “crisis” situations. Knowing these strategies will make it much easier to work with hypnosis clients, difficult colleagues or anyone experiencing stress, fear or anger.
Scientifically tested principles based on decades of psychological research into what makes people say “YES!” so you can reliably grow your influence in any setting or situation.
And finally…
It’s ALL infused with cutting edge hypnosis techniques that let you connect to the unconscious mind, build rapport and use influence as a positive driving force in your own life, and the lives of anyone you meet.
What makes this system so special?
Quite simply, it gives you a way to influence and positively persuade others in ANY situation you find yourself in, in such a positive and beneficial way that you and everyone else will end up happier and better off.
And before you know it, you’ll find yourself transformed into...
Which is why I’m thrilled to announce the NEW….
And here's what's in the program...
Influence secrets that will make you a better hypnotherapist, coach, parent, friend, colleague, partner (you name it!)
Discover the influence tactics used by Socrates 3000 years ago — they still work like a charm today
How 4 unique areas of hypnosis combine together to create the powerful influence formula you’ll discover in this training
The key to getting others to want to help you(others will go out of their way to help you get what YOU want)
This simple 3 part model of influence gives you a strategy you can use from day one
The three CORE elements that must be present if you want to have influence (regardless of the person, place or situation!)
Why using fear as an influence tactic will ultimately backfire
Step-by-step breakdown showing you how to approach ANY situation where you want to have greater influence
The irresistible link between self-interest… And influence.
The MUST-KNOW principles behind building stronger connections (you’ll make conversations, negotiations and any interaction feel effortless!)
How to find the missing pieces in your conversation style — if your conversations are fizzling out or falling flat, then this is for YOU!
How to take any conversation from awkward… to FUN, engaging, friendly and open
Demonstration: How to enhance social support signals to boost rapport
How to bring the right kind of energy into your conversation (even if the other person is shy or reserved)
The two words you can use to improve any conversation
Start using conversational hypnosis to create natural & effortless rapport
Why conversations are your primary tool for influence
How to encourage others to keep talking (without sounding unnatural or overbearing)
The key to making your words and actions genuine -- otherwise you risk coming across as fake or awkward!
Robert Cialdini’s 6 universal“Laws of Influence”
The secret to maintaining long-term influence (hint: it all comes down to putting someone in the right decision-making state of mind)
How to “borrow” someone else’s expertise through social proof
Demonstration: Using Cialdini’s 6 Principles of Influence to make better decisions
How to create authority through social proof — this will make someone MUCH more likely to get on board with your suggestions
How values drive behavior and their crucial impact on your ability to influence others
How to use “Consistency of Commitment” to check what other influence principles are currently at work
How to activate authority, social proof, commitment, scarcity and more… all within your conversations!
How to use reciprocity to enhance someone’s opinion of you… so they instantly like you more
The number one strategy for regaining trust
Applying the Cialdini Principles to help others make better decisions
How to effortlessly move from small talk into more interesting and satisfying conversations
How you might be killing conversations (without even realizing it!)
THREE elements that must be in place to keep a conversation going in the right direction
Remove these words and topics from your conversation as it begins to move into more hypnotic territory
The two hallmarks of rapport (without them your conversations will drag on in small talk for too long... or simply fizzle out)
Demonstration: Using hypnotic language patterns for better conversations
The exact steps to start off a conversation on the right foot
How to naturally get someone to pivot back into topics YOU want them to cover
The fascinating “Airplane Experiment” and what it reveals about human nature
Demonstration: How To Totally Kill Rapport (plus a helpful demo debrief with step-by-step feedback)
The “WIIFM Principle” and how it ties into the fundamental truth of influence
Why you risk jeopardizing your influence when you add in too many details about yourself
How to know when you’ve built enough rapport based on THIS rule
Why almost everything you’ve learned about active listening… is WRONG!
The best way to build rapport with an introvert (they’ll feel so comfortable around you… they’ll feel compelled to open up!)
The sure-fire way to KILL rapport with an introvert
The key to enhancing your words and conversations through body-language
How to use the “Echo” technique to keep a conversation going naturally and effortlessly
Avoid triggering fear or conflict in your subject’s mind with “soothing signals”
How Unconscious Framing works (hint: you experience it in your everyday life, without even realizing!)
How to create your own “soundtrack” within a conversation so someone’s unconscious mind responds to you in the way YOU want
Why your voice is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal and how to strike the optimal tonality to communicate more hypnotically
Demonstration: Calming Tension — Handle tense situations without losing your cool
How to “Hijack” the limbic system and amygdala with your tone of voice (this works wonders when someone is angry or upset)
Bring someone into a calm state of mind when they’re afraid… angry… or frustrated
Use this tone of voice to amp up your influence while keeping the energy positive and upbeat
Review the Laws of Influence you’ve covered so far, easily working them into your conversations… you’ll already start to feel your influence growing!
Discover how to use hypnotic mind reading for ultimate influence
How to work the 4 laws of influence into your conversations so they flow smoothly all while building your authority
Do THIS right… and you’ll be able to get virtually anything you want in your conversations
Why you MUST trust your unconscious mind throughout your conversations (it gives you signals you shouldn’t ignore!)
How to stop your train of thought and turn off projections to become exponentially more engaging
Find out the little-known method for uncovering information someone might otherwise not reveal
“Shut off” your conscious mind during a conversation and allow the unconscious mind to come forward… This is where the magic happens!
The HOLY GRAIL of mind reading and how to override the conscious mind to get to this point
What great mentalists do… and how YOU can use this to your advantage
Demonstration: How to Override the Conscious Mind. Empty your mind while still making close, intuitive observations!
Break past normal “on-the-surface” interactions… and reveal deeper truths about the person in front of you to communicate on a whole new level
The “Mind Reading Formula” you can apply to your conversations — you’ll be amazed how much deeper and more profound your connections become
How to make the person in front of you feel seen and heard (people LOVE this feeling!)
Demonstration: Mind Reading Personal Traits
Grow your ability to read and understand people on a much deeper level
Tips and suggestions from expert hypnotists on how to make mind reading work more effectively
How to avoid someone putting their guard up (this will crumble your foundations of influence)
How to create the right conditions so others feel comfortable revealing sensitive information…
The Empathy Path Technique — your insight into someone’s mind will become so clear… you’ll start to predict their reactions!
How to guide your conversation in the RIGHT way to discover what someone else values and truly cares about
The difference between true goals, sub-motivations and “dirty” goals!
Why figuring out someone’s motivation is the KEY to unlocking a wealth of insight into their conscious and unconscious mind
Demonstration: How to Construct an Empathy Map. Watch the exact method you an use to “peer” into someone else’s mind
The must-know difference between small talk and BIG talk (and how this ties into the 5 phases of a conversation)
The TWO ways to create motivation (once you understand this… you’ll gain a valuable window into anyone’s mind)
How to switch up someone’s internal landscape so they start doubting their previous assumptions
Demonstration debrief: Get a full understanding of how each technique works and why it works
Discover how to explore someone’s deepest motivations — you’ll be AMAZED at where this takes you!
Get Instant Access To The Full Program Now
Demonstration: Influencing a Smoker to Quit — put everything you’ve covered so far into action with a real-life example
How to start a conversation with someone who has a habit they can’t stand… but can’t get rid of
The BEST way to influence change in others (you’ll watch a step-by-step example in this module)
Demo debrief: Get behind-the-scenes insight into what happened at each stage of the demonstration
The fascinating difference between a psychological addiction and a chemical addiction
How to get someone to quit a bad habit by motivating a change in perspective
Why trying to fix someone usually backfires (do THIS instead!)
Use your influence to move others towards positive change and healthier habits
How to increase your long-term influence and enrich your conversations… anywhere you go!
How to test the results of your influence and see if it really worked
Step-by-step conversational approach you can use when you want to understand addictive behavior
Why hypnotic influence helps others see reality more clearly (this often leads to spontaneous and profound changes!)
How to help your subject find the optimal solution to their problem
Infuse these 5 elements into any conversation and watch your influence SKYROCKET
Demonstration: The Seven Types of Mind Reads (& how to use them in influential processes)
A simple yet effective mind reading observation you can make to start building rapport fast
The incredible shift that happens when you label someone’s emotions (this works on positive & negative emotions!)
Demonstration: The Importance of Leverage On Motivation
Why leverage is a must-have if you want to be more influential (you’ll start to view it in a whole new way after this module)
Why the perception of fairness is the key to making someone feel comfortable without putting up their guard
How to turn recognition, appreciation and “hero fuel” into effective elements of leverage
How to diffuse commitment reluctance (this is a biggie for anyone in sales!)
The secret to creating leverage in your conversation (I’ll show you how to do this on a conscious AND unconscious level)
Find out how to use the principles of influence to help someone become more social and less argumentative
Get ready to put your influence skills to the test, troubleshooting any challenges or obstacles
Experience maximum impact using hypnotic language in all three stages of the influence model
Why perception = reality… and how to use the power of framing to put others in the right state of mind
How to improve “truth congruence”(9 times out of 10, when persuasion fails it’s because you’re doing THIS wrong)
The TWO ways people react to problems in their life and what it reveals about their mind set
How to make sure you have ROCK solid trust and rapport
The vital role your body language plays in creating rapport on an unconscious level
How to make irresistible offers so your ideas get accepted
What to do if someone rejects your offer. Discover an effective and simple way to handle this like a pro
Polish, sharpen and refine your mind reading skills so it becomes second nature for you
What to look for in someone’s behavior and what it reveals about their inner state of mind
Demonstration: Unconscious Small Talk — follow these 6 steps to speak directly to the unconscious mind
How to “read” body language to make your hypnotic mind reading more accurate
Demonstration: Using Small Talk as a Trance Induction
Demonstration: Forced Empathy and Fairness (and how to manage difficult requests!)
How to handle a “high-pressure” conversation so you feel calm and centered
How to resist getting defensive in your conversations, negotiations or interactions
Demonstration debrief: get the inside-look and feedback on what works and why
Deal with any unreasonable request using the forced empathy technique
How to REFRAME a conversation that’s not going your way
Watch a step-by-step example of how to handle unreasonable requests from your boss (or anyone else!)
How to use the “Contradiction Blowout” technique — you definitely want this one in your influence toolkit!
Demonstration: Using extreme negation to multiply the chances of your requests being accepted
Start to troubleshoot your influence roadblocks so you resolve any doubts or lingering questions you might have
Why showing or feeling STRESS will take your influence into a downward spiral
How to pair a preemptive mind read with an extreme negation - do this and you’ll turn yourself into an influence powerhouse
Gain the skills to successfully influence others with integrity so you can enjoy the satisfaction of radically changing lives for the better
Demonstration: Working with commitment reluctance to decrease someone’s resistance to move forward
What to do if you lose control of a conversation
How to project kindness, calmness and comfort instead of intimidation
Why helping someone make a good decision means first getting them out of a bad state
The reason you want to avoid asking “Why?” when you’re trying to influence someone
How to handle someone who is unresponsive… and get them to naturally open up to you
The Law of Dominant Effect for “unblocking” existing ideas you want to get rid of
How to change someone’s mind about you (even if they’ve already formed their first impression!)
How to help someone “release the pressure” inside their own mind so they instantly feel lighter and happier
Demonstration: How to Overcome Hypnosis Disbelief (find out how to win over skeptics and naysayers!)
Specific language you can use to introduce mind reading into a conversation
Demonstration: Hypnotic Influence in a Hostage Negotiation (a simulated one of course!)
You’ll be able to reach peaceful and positive outcomes even in the most stressful or hostile situations
How to identify a commitment trap… and BREAK OUT of it!
Discover how to use your influence skills to ace a job interview, get a raise, earn a promotion… it’s up to you!
How to prepare for an interview so you’re instantly in a stronger position
The simple sentence you can use in any job interview to make others already think of you as a colleague
Why creating a collaboration frame will positively influence a job interview or help you get a raise more easily
How to use “preemptive” mind reading when asking for a raise
Follow THIS rule to stay ahead in any negotiation or discussion
Applying hypnotic influence techniques to sales (anyone and everyone can benefit from this!)
Discover how to hold a sales conversation… the hypnotic way
Using the power of hypnotic influence in your sales consultations for amazing results
How to continue to grow and expand your influence... even beyond this course!
Make your conversations irresistibly fascinating and watch your relationships grow more satisfying and meaningful
By now, you’ll get to the point where you BECOME influential (instead of simply acting like it)
And much, much more.
Get Instant Access To The Full Program Now
Needless to say, this training covers the ULTIMATE skills and principles you must know if you want to create the right environment within your conversations so others feel engaged, inspired and open to your ideas or suggestions.
And clearly, the benefits of hypnotic influence extend far beyond hypnosis and into your personal, professional and even your social life.
That’s why I think everyone serious about hypnosis, or about being a positive driving force in your community should be able to access the formula for hypnotic influence revealed in this training.
So here’s what I’ve decided:
I like to be around serious students of hypnosis and action takers -- in my experience those are the people that make it to the top. Therefore, I like to make my best material accessible to them.
I want people like you to get access to this training, because I know first-hand the impact this can have on making your life exponentially more exciting, rewarding and filled with new opportunities.
That’s why I’m not going to charge the retail sticker of $1995 for this program (the typical price these kind of trainings go for in the market) - in fact I'm not even going to ask for half that amount which would be $997 and an absolute steal…
Instead you can get instant access to the FULL 12 modules of the Hypnotic Influence program totaling more than 14 hours and 35 minutes of in-depth training for $1995 $997 just 4 simple monthly installments of only $97 (that's an 80%+ OFF Discount!)
But listen. I want to make absolutely sure this is the right training for you.
That’s why I am giving you a FULL 60 Day “Test Drive” Guarantee Absolutely Risk Free.
Which means...
Of course, you are covered by our 60 day guarantee - so if at any time in the 60-days of going through the program you do not feel it is for you, simply let us know by email or phone and you will receive a full refund. No questions asked!
And check out what this live training attendee had to say about the program...
Pierre Herring
Nevada, USA
There you have it.
All you need to do now to get the NEW Hypnotic Influence Program is just click on the “Add To Cart” button below and follow the simple instructions:
Igor, I Want Your Go-To Formula for Reliable And Consistent Hypnotic Influence So Give Me INSTANT ACCESS To These Exciting Secrets Now Please!
I understand that:
I get Instant access to all 12 exciting modules of the Hypnotic Influence program (that’s 14 hours and 35 minutes of in-depth training)
Plus I’ll also get FULL Transcripts of the videos as well (484 pages)
Extra bonus: I also get the full live seminar notes (8 pages)
My investment is
$1995 $997 just 4 simple monthly installments of only $97 (That's an 80%+ OFF Discount)
And I will also receive a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee as well. If I’m not happy with this training, I can return it for a full refund. No questions asked!
On that basis, I’m clicking the “Add-To-Cart” button below now so I can take advantage of this special offer…
The Hypnosis Training Academy was originally founded in 2004 and is one of the world’s top authorities for ericksonian, conversational and covert hypnosis. Over the last 10 years, we’ve trained 3364 students at live seminars in 15 different countries around the world and published well over 100 different hypnosis trainings. |
P.S. In the video clips below you can watch personal comments from some of the people who attended the Live Training Program:
Steven Morgan
Trial Lawyer
Texas, USA
Don Kazakoff
Film Industry
Vancouver, Canada
Peter Saul
Information Security & Hypnotherapist Enthusiast
United Kingdom
Chiraag Swaly
Product Manager
London, United Kingdom
Catherine Hosley
New Jersey, USA
Tapi Moyo
Cayman Islands
Igor, I Want Your Go-To Formula for Reliable And Consistent Hypnotic Influence So Give Me INSTANT ACCESS To These Exciting Secrets Now Please!
I understand that:
I get Instant access to all 12 exciting modules of the Hypnotic Influence program (that’s 14 hours and 35 minutes of in-depth training)
Plus I’ll also get FULL Transcripts of the videos as well (484 pages)
Extra bonus: I also get the full live seminar notes (8 pages)
My investment is
$1995 $997 just 4 simple monthly installments of only $97 (That's an 80%+ OFF Discount)
And I will also receive a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee as well. If I’m not happy with this training, I can return it for a full refund. No questions asked!
On that basis, I’m clicking the “Add-To-Cart” button below now so I can take advantage of this special offer…
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