Announcing: The BRAND NEW Practitioner & Advanced
Practitioner Of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence
DOUBLE Certification Live & Online Training Program! 

How To Influence “Top Dogs”
So You Can Get Rewarded
Properly For Your TRUE
Worth & Contribution...

Please Note: This 8 Day training (2 x 4 Days) focuses on
influence in everyday situations and not client therapy.

Igor Ledochowski

From: Igor Ledochowski

Dear Reader,

If you're anything like me, you probably need to feel that what you’re doing somehow, matters.

Whether that means being part of a mission that’s greater than yourself or helping the people that you meet live better, happier more productive lives.

Maybe I'm also right in having the sense that you -- like me -- want to feel you're continually progressing in some way.

Probably, you want to feel properly rewarded for your true worth and contribution too.

Are there also times when you'd like to create meaningful connections with new influential people?

If you would, I can tell you how to do it.

It’s much simpler than you might imagine.

You see... what I've found -- and what many of my students and other hypnotists have found -- is that the most direct-way to feel like you matter and get rewarded for your true worth and contribution is to...

Make Sure That You Communicate & Connect With People In A Way That Leads Them To Fully Appreciate Your True Worth & Contribution Every Time You Interact With Them!

Sadly, outside of close friendships and family relationships, most people only get to witness others appreciating their worth and contribution once every "Blue Moon."

Or, in other words, like... almost never!

That's not healthy.

Never receiving or hearing recognition for your worth and contribution is psychologically... well... deadening.

It’s a shame.

Because the secret to feeling more... well... meaningful... is as simple as communicating and connecting with people in a way that gives them thecapacityto take on your ideas... and then...

Seeing Them Keenly Use Your
Ideas And Suggestions...

...and knowing that they’re benefitting as a result.

That’s the bottom line of it.

That is all it takes to for you to feel that you matter... to feel you’re making a meaningful difference throughout your life.

And the good news is:

You don’t need to change who you fundamentally are as a person.

You don’t need to be of a certain age to get others to take notice and embrace your ideas.

You don’t even need to be in a certain job or hold a certain position at work.

Nor do you need to have a circle of friends or a team around you that already take notice of the things you say.

Sure, some of that can help. Let’s be realistic.

But, it doesn’t detract from the fact that ANY person with the right “linguistic” influencing tools (and the knowledge of how to USE them) can become incredibly successful at getting their ideas and suggestions across in a way that the right people accept them and WANT to use them.

That’s how you become THAT person who is able to...

Influence The Influencers

What I mean by that is this:

If, by chance, you are currently being overlooked at work or in whatever group of people you find yourself... if you USE the right “linguistic” influencing tools you can artfully guide the actions and behaviors of the “higher ups” (i.e., those generally considered to carry all the clout and influence!) in an ethical manner so everyone is better off.

Again, it DOESN’T have to be difficult.

Once you have those 3 parts together – you will ALWAYS KNOW how to relate to people (even company CEOs or Professors of Academia) in such a way that...

They Feel Moved To “Run With” Your Ideas

And that’s when YOU will have your chance to start moving up in the world... very fast.

Once you can get your ideas across to the kinds of people who currently hold the most sway... the most clout... the most influence... you become looked upon and treated as a key-advisor, a confidant, “a trusted right hand” - a person who MATTERS!

And they, in turn, will see to it that you are “well taken care of” (reputation wise, monetary wise, referral wise and in all other ways that can make a HUGE difference on your life and level of success).

That’s the RESULT you can look forward to.

Again, the ROUTE to that RESULT is as simple as KNOWING HOW to get your ideas and suggestions “into the mind’s of the right people” in a way that they think...

“That’s a great idea! Why didn’t
I think of that!?”

OK, they may not actually say that to you – but you’ll see that reaction in their facial expression!

There’s a great satisfaction in seeing important and influential people take on and start applying your ideas to their lives.

I mean, let’s face it...

In fact...

With The Right “Linguistic Tools” And The Right Know-How Of USING Them... I’ve Seen Amazing Transformations In
All Kinds Of People’s Lives...

I've seen shy people (who for years have been overlooked and left out) suddenly become championed for their wisdom when they have the right "linguistic” influencing tools.

I've witnessed technically brilliant people (who for years struggled to convey the brilliance of their ideas) suddenly become profoundly articulate at expressing themselves when they have the "linguistic” influencing tools.

And I've noticed already good teachers and industry thought-leaders (like seminar presenters, consultants and coaches) take their teaching and leadership abilities to a whole new level -- impacting their students and clients in much more effective ways -- when they have the "linguistic” influencing tools to utilize.

It has also been my observation (and I can attest to this myself) that when a person is given the right "linguistic” influencing tools (and the know-how of expertly USING them)...

They Experience An Immediate Sense Of Renewed Excitement About Life

Every day becomes another adventure in communicating, connecting and “reaching” people on levels and in ways that other people can’t. It gives you a real BUZZ knowing you can do that.

So much so, you can’t wait to get out into the day and into conversation with people.

And the enthusiasm you get from seeing people take on your ideas and suggestions gives you even more enthusiasm for interacting with other people.

And soon your whole life is on an upward turn.

It all starts with you right here though. More specifically, it starts with you having the right “linguistic” influencing tools and the “internalized ability” to USE them without so much as thinking about it.

Now, granted, maybe you’re already in the top 10% (or higher) of the world’s best linguistic influencers – you certainly will be if you have taken any of the Hypnosis Training Academy’s trainings on conversational hypnosis.

But, like any skill, there are different (higher) levels you can reach.

What I mean is, to get your most ambitious game-changing ideas properly embraced and enthusiastically acted upon by the people that can really “put you on the map” as it were...

You NEED The Highest-Of-The-Highest Level Of Conversational Hypnosis Skills

Not only that... must be expertly fluent and spontaneously flexible at USING the highest set of conversational hypnosis skills – (that means you’re able to expertly adapt them to all kinds of environments, all kinds of people and all kinds of “curve balls” that can be thrown your way without warning).

And it’s that specifically that is my dedicated purpose of the upcoming Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training is happening live and online from 3rd to 6th October and then from 17th to 20th October 2024!

The Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training is the ULTIMATE IMMERSION TRAINING EXPERIENCE for making the highest-of-the-highest conversational hypnosis skills an unconscious competence in you.

Put simply: The Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training is for life’s BIG achievers (and those that want to be BIG achievers).

Why another training on conversational hypnosis?

Well, it’s not just another training.

It’s more an EXPERIMENTAL IMMERSION EXPERIENCE into the world of the highest levels of conversational hypnosis (and ALL the powerful influencing “pieces” that can be used in conjunction with conversational hypnosis, to make your use of conversational hypnosis EVEN MORE POWERFUL AND EFFECTIVE).

It’s also a live in-depth, non-rushed experience that you go through. And that really MAXIMIZES the learning dynamic for you.

It brings everything around conversational hypnosis together. It UNIFIES EVERYTHING. It makes you WHOLE with it... as in conversational hypnosis is no longer something you just know about... it becomes something that you instinctively USE, without having to think through techniques.

At the end of the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training you leave with a UNIQUE PORTABLE ABILITY that can be used day-in, day-out to make you a more successful person in ANY environment where you have to deal with other people.

Quite simply... you will come out of the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training with a UNIQUE ABILITY that nobody around you, in your day-to-day life, has. And that UNIQUE ABILITY...

Will ALWAYS Make You Valuable (And
Dare I Say Irreplaceable) In The Eyes Of
Whomever You’re Looking To Influence

Now, at the live online event itself -- (where you will connect with a group of the most ambitious hypnosis learners and those looking to get a serious edge in life) -- there will be…

Plenty of opportunity to get all your conversational hypnosis questions answered at the training.

There’s no other way to “internalize” the depth and breadth of conversational hypnosis than that which can be achieved by going through the training and EXPERIMENTAL IMMERSION PROCESS that happens at the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training.

It Gets Conversational Hypnosis “Into You”
At A Much DEEPER Level Than Anybody
Could Ever Attain On Their Own

That’s why the live online training is the ONLY way you can be awarded the Hypnosis Training Academy DOUBLE CERTIFICATION (at the end of each 4 day training session) which accredits you as first a Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence and then second as an Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence (both certificates you have permission to publicize on your website, on your resume, on your Linkedin profile or anywhere else).

Ultimately though, the MAIN REASON for you to be at a Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training is that it puts the skill-set of the highest art of conversational hypnosis into you at SUCH A DEEP LEVEL... that knowledge not only sticks inside you...

It Becomes “Reflex-Available”
To You At All Times

Just like riding a bicycle.

Once the skill of learning to ride a bicycle gets into you at an unconscious (“reflex-available”) level – you NEVER forget how to ride a bike.

You could go 60-years between the last time you rode a bike and then getting on a bicycle again... and very quickly (like in a few minutes at most) you would be off riding the bike again.


When you go through the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training the skill-set of the highest form of conversational hypnosis “gets into your reflexes” so you will ALWAYS be able to USE it at a moment’s notice.

I guess you could also use this analogy:

A martial arts student can go all the way to black-belt status in the training gym or dojo.

And that martial artist will be at mastery level... in the right environment and according to the right rules (i.e., in designated competitions and the training dojo).

However, you also have street-fighters. Street-fighters REFLEXIVELY KNOW how to win a fight when there are no predetermined rules and anything can happen.

If martial arts or street-fighting is not your thing; my apologies. I use it only as an analogy. And the analogy to the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training is that by the end of it...

You Will Be Awarded “Black-Belt” Status (Through The Accredited DOUBLE Certification)...


You Will ALSO REFLEXIVELY KNOW How To Use Conversational Hypnosis “On The Street” As It Were, Where There Are
No Predetermined Rules And
Anything Can Happen

You get the best-of-the-best of “both worlds.”

That said, here are just a few of the more specific things you will learn and “internalize” by securing one of the limited reservations for one of the upcoming Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Trainings:

You may not want any hypnosis clients.

You may not even be a practicing hypnotist or hypnotherapist.

That’s okay.

But, You Will Be Able To Use This “Evergreen” Secret To Get The Job Done!

You'll also get...

On top of that, I will also reveal...

Think you might be able to benefit from knowing that secret?

If you only got one thing out of the training then just knowing how to control someone’s mental frame would make the entire experience worth it for you.

But you won’t just learn how to control someone’s mental frame.

You’ll Also Learn & “Internalize”...

You know, even though it is called the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training, a BIG component of the training program is on hypnotic storytelling.

So if hypnotic storytelling appeals to you in any way – you’ll also get a world-class education at how to be a hypnotic storyteller at the training.

In fact, some people who I have taught this material to before report that it was the hypnotic storytelling elements of the training...

That Has Given Them A “3D-Like-Effect” To
Their Conversational Hypnosis Skills

It will do the same for you!

You’ll also get to learn and “internalize”...

Practical Ways To Apply ALL The Training
Out In The Real World So You Get
Real-Life Results... FAST

Plus a whole lot more.

But, here’s the thing:

Not just “anyone” can attend the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training – you must qualify by meeting 3 criteria:

ATTITUDE: You must possess a serving attitude in all that you do. You must also have very high standards for yourself and your ability to perform well in life. At the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training you will be “mixing” with some of life’s top achievers and they will expect that you posses the same energy, enthusiasm and benevolent ambition as they themselves do.

It is NOT necessary for you to have done any kind of conversational hypnosis training prior to attending the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training, as EVERYTHING will be covered there. All that is required is a genuine desire to equip yourself with the most USEABLE and VERSATILE “get-ahead-in-life” tool there is: Conversational Hypnosis.

The investment to attend the two 4 Day trainings (8 Days total) for Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training is $4995 just 10 simple instalments of only $149. Quite the bargain for the top-level training you will receive over 8 days, especially with the support you’ll receive from your trainer, experienced assistants, and not to mention your peers.

Factor in that you’ll be a double certified conversational hypnotist by the end of the training...and you’ll see it’s well worth the investment in yourself and your future.

PLEASE NOTE: Aside from the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training taking place this year (in 2024) it may not ever be repeated again. And if it ever is it’s likely to be priced significantly higher than it is here.

TIME: This is a live IMMERSION TRAINING on conversational hypnosis (and all the other influence “pieces” that make conversational hypnosis even more powerful) that takes place over a period of 8 days. That obviously requires a time commitment from you.

The alternative? Well, just another 8 days in your normal life I guess. The question is: Will 8 days in your normal (current) life do anything to enhance your future like the skills you’ll learn and “internalize” at the 8 day training?

That is a question only you can honestly answer.

Overall, the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training is designed for people personally committed to being the best at conversational hypnosis and all kinds of linguistic influence. It takes commitment to be the best. If you can’t commit to 8 days out of your life to “own” easily one of the most life-changing skills you can have, then the training is simply not for you. Not at this stage anyway.


You also have a full 100% money back guarantee up until the end of day 2 of the training!

Then, if you decide it’s not for you – for whatever reason... you will get a full and prompt refund.

No explaining to do on your end. And no questions asked by us.

So if just want the tools and the skills that will make put you into the elite level of conversational hypnotists with potent linguistic influence – then just click on the “Reserve Your Spot” button below:

Your Opportunity To Become A Highly
Influential Conversational Hypnotist!

The Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner
Of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence
DOUBLE Certification Live Training Program
"The Ultimate Immersion Experience"


Igor, I want to be able to influence the influencers so I can get rewarded properly for my TRUE worth & contribution.

I understand that:

I will be attending the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training live and online from 3rd to 6th October and then from 17th to 20th October 2024!
I will be taught these life-changing hypnosis skills by Hypnosis Training Academy’s Master Trainer, Igor Ledochowski for my 8 days of training!
I will have the option of being certified as a Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence and an Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence!
My investment for 8 amazing days is $4995 just 10 simple monthly instalments of just $149
I also have a full 100% money back guarantee up until the end of day 2 of the training! If this training doesn't rock my world I can get a full refund


On that basis, I'm clicking the "Reserve Your Spot" button below now so I can snap up my seat before it’s filled by someone else...

$4995 Today Just $149 x 10

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Available places on the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training will go fast. And reservations will go on a “first come, first served” basis.

Places are strictly limited - First Come - First Served.

So if you want to be at the ULTIMATE Conversational Hypnosis training event, click on the “Reserve Your Spot” button below right now and follow the simple instructions that you’ll be shown on the next page...

  $4995 Today Just $149 x 10

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Kindest Regards,


Igor Ledochowski

Certified Success Life Coach & Trainer
Author Of Over Different 70 Training Products & Seminars
Author Of The Best Selling, "The Deep Trance Training Manual"
Accredited & Certified NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer
Internationally Acclaimed Master Hypnosis Trainer
Certified Master Hypnotist & Trainer

P.S. If you are into personal development in ANY way – the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training will develop you both personally and professionally more than anything else you could ever compare it against.

Better still:

Unlike most other skills you can acquire, Conversational Hypnosis can be USED DAILY. In EVERY human-to-human interaction you have – for the rest of your life!

  $4995 Today Just $149 x 10

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P.P.S Check out the personal comments below from a few people (from varied professions) who were trained by me in the art of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence…

"...Far, Far Beyond My Expectations! ... and This Course Is More Directly Real World Applicable Than Anything I've Ever Come Across..."

Scott Luedtke (Information Technology Consultant) - Fresno, California, USA

"… I’m just AMAZED at the things I’m learning and the ABILITY that I am gaining... You Will Become An Excellent, Excellent Conversational Hypnotist"

Jim Aubey (Pastor) - Beaumont, TX

“The things I have learned; all the strategies, techniques & influential processes that i can use on a practical daily basis are endless.

It's Taught In Such A Way That I Could Incorporate It, Absorb It And Use It Effortlessly

  Kristin Rivas (Hypnotherapist) - Seattle USA

"How Do I Like, the Course...It's Beyond Liking It! ...It's a Life Changing Event"

 Ralph Huntington (IT Consultant) - Albany, New York, USA

"I Learned That Hypnosis Was A Way Of
Thinking, Of Being In The World,
And Suddenly It All Got Easier!"

 Tim McNickle (Executive & Business Coach) - San Rafael, CA

"I would say to somebody who’s considering this training - if your livelihood depends on communicating with people, this course would be hugely beneficial!"

 Bill Suiter (NLP Practitioner) - San Rafael, CA

"...The Second Day Of This Program,
Wow, I Was Surprised... I Went Out And
I Felt I Had A Quantum Change!"

 Folker Rojas (Business Owner) - Buckeye, AZ

"...For Me This Has Been A Real
Transformational Experience"

 Geoff Blades (Writer) - New York City, NY

"...Before You Know It You Have Entire Skills That You've Internalized In A Whole New Way"

 Eric Rosen (Hypnotherapist & Senior Copywriter) - San Jose, CA

"...Great Insights, Very Useful Things. It's Set Up
So That You Really Acquire The Skills And
Apply Them Very Quickly

 Stephane Mutz (Engineer) - Cuverville Calvados FRANCE


Your Opportunity To Become A Highly
Influential Conversational Hypnotist!

The Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner
Of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence
DOUBLE Certification Live Training Program
"The Ultimate Immersion Experience"

The Ultimate Immersion Experience


Igor, I want to be able to influence the influencers so I can get rewarded properly for my TRUE worth & contribution.

I understand that:

I will be attending the Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence DOUBLE Certification Training live and online from 3rd to 6th October and then from 17th to 20th October 2024!
I will be taught these life-changing hypnosis skills by Hypnosis Training Academy’s Master Trainer, Igor Ledochowski for my 8 days of training!
I will have the option of being certified as a Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence and an Advanced Practitioner of Conversational Hypnosis For Influence!
My investment for 8 amazing days is $4995 just 10 simple monthly instalments of just $149
I also have a full 100% money back guarantee up until the end of day 2 of the training! If this training doesn't rock my world I can get a full refund

On that basis, I'm clicking the "Reserve Your Spot" button below now so I can snap up my seat before it’s filled by someone else...

$4995 Today Just $149 x 10

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